
The official website of the Municipality of Guinayangan, Quezon

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  Bids & Award Committee
  Invitation to Bid (Past)
  Notice of Award
  Bid Documents
Downloadable Forms:
      *   Application Form for Eligibility
      *   CHECKLIST - Eligibility Statement Form for the Procurement of Goods
      *   CHECKLIST - Eligibility Statement Form for the Procurement of Works
      *   Eligibility Statement Form for the Procurement of Goods
      *   Eligibility Statement Form for the Procurement of Works
      *   ANNEX A4  -  Form - List of Projects - for Goods
      *   ANNEX A4  -  Form  - List of Projects for Works
      *   ANNEX A7  -  Net Financial Contracting Capacity (NFCC) Computation Form
      *   ANNEX A7a - Form - Credit Line Certificate
       *   CHECKLIST -  Bid Documents for Goods
       *   CHECKLIST -  Bid Documents for Works
       *   Pro forma - Omnibus Sworn Statement/Affidavit
       *   Bid Security - Bank Guarantee
       *   Bid Security - Surety Bond
       *   Bid Securing Declaration
       *   Manpower Requirements - for Goods
       *   Manpower Requirements - for Works
       *   Schedule of Delivery - for Goods
       *   Equipment Utilization Schedule - for Works
       *   Technical Specification - for Goods
       *   List of Equipment - for Works
       *   List - Schedule of Personnel - for Works
       *   Site Visit Certificate
       *   Performance Security - Bank Guarantee
       *   Warranty Security - Bank Guarantee

BID FORM may be asked from the Office of the Bids and Awards Committee personally or through

authorized representative upon submission of Letter of Intent and upon payment of a non-refundable
fee amounting to the following Schedule:
            Amount of Approved Budget Cost (ABC)                               Bid Document Fee
                 of the Project as reflected on the                       
                         Invitation to Bid (ITB)

P           1.00   -    24,999.99                     -           P      100.00

P   25,000.00   -    39,999.99                     -           P      150.00

P   40,000.00   -    49,999.99                     -           P      200.00

P   50,000.00   -    64,999.99                     -           P      250.00

P   65,000.00   -    79,999.99                     -           P      300.00

P   80,000.00   -    94,999.99                     -           P      350.00

P   95,000.00   -    99,999.99                     -           P      400.00

P 100,000.00   -   500,000.00                     -           P      500.00

P 500,001.00  to 1 Million                           -           P    1,000.00

more than 1 Million up to 5 Million                 -           P   5,000.00

more than 5 Million up to 10 Million               -           P  10,000.00

more than 10 Million up to 50 Million             -           P  25,000.00

more than 50 Million up to 500 Million           -           P  50,000.00

more than 500 Million                                 -           P  75,000.00




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